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Legal information

This website is published by:

3 rue Jouffroy d’Abbans,
75017 Paris

Director of publication Nathalie Thoumyre - director of novarecum

Creation and hosting of the website

L'Atelier Studio has designed and realized the website

The site is hosted by the company Webflow, Inc. - 398 11th Street, 2nd Floor - San Francisco, CA 94103

The photos are the property of the company novarecum

Exemption for responsibility for the contents of the referenced sites

The hypertext links set up within the framework of the present Internet site towards other resources present on the Internet network are only proposed for reasons of convenience and neither their content nor the links they contain, nor the changes or updates that are made to them can engage the responsibility of the site

Exemption for technical responsibility

Novarecum declines all responsibility in case of difficulty in accessing its site or interruptions in the connection, whatever the causes. Moreover, it cannot be held responsible for any damage or virus that could infect your computer or any computer equipment, following a use or access to the site or downloading from this site.