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Team coaching

Team coaching

The complexity of the issues, the need to transform many business models, and internationalization have made it critical to be able to rely on high-performance teams rather than only on high-performance individuals.

We are regularly called upon to facilitate teamwork or to help teams work on their operating methods, or on the implementation of their vision and mission. We have accompanied teams in this way for several years.

We also have a team coaching practice that is similar to individual coaching, with the team as the client, rather than an individual. This type of coaching is recommended when the team is mature and has important responsibilities, such as an executive committee, especially in delicate periods such as the transformation of the company, its internationalization, or its restructuring.

Dragon boat team on a dragon boat

Key contexts where team coaching is recommended

Newly formed team or new leader
Merging of teams
Preparing the team before a major change in environment
Team dysfunctions - Team exhaustion
Need to innovate - Need to review operating procedures
Revitalization after a difficult period
Getting to know each other better to work together
Capitalize on the diversity of the team (integrating cultural specificities if appropriate)
The pillars of a successful team
Implementation of the team charter
The team's mission
What if we started from scratch
Living the life of our customers...

The topics we regularly address

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